Successes for celebration

Art Success: We are incredibly proud of Evie in Year 3 and Livia in Year 5 for their brilliant entries to the Oexmann art competition which our art lead Miss Usher offered to pupils to take part in. We were delighted for them both with Evie in Year 3 who came in second place and Livia in year 5 who was highly commended. Their art will now be on display in the Oxemann alongside other winners many of which were adults! Amazing! Well done to everyone who took part.
Here are pictures of the wonderful art they produced Evies’ is the Octopus and Livia’s the Winter scene; they are stunning!

Maths Success: Nate in Year 6 has made it through to the bonus round of the Primary Maths Challenge which will be held in Feb next year. It was a very challenging competition with 58,000 pupils participating so he’s done really well to be in the top 3% of participants. So huge congratulations to Nate. Well done to all who took part in both the Art and Maths competitions.