Hi, my name is Mr Tanner and I am responsible for PE & Sport at Ashton Keynes Primary School along with Mr Watson. We are the Sports Coaches at AK and we work closely with PE Subject Lead and Deputy Headteacher Mr Hockaday to ensure PE and Sport at Ashton Keynes is the very best it possibly can be.

Mr Watson
Within this role, either Mr Watson or myself are in school every day teaching PE. Each class has 2 hours of PE a week. In addition, we run after school clubs as well as help organise and attend as many tournaments, fixtures & festivals as possible so Team AK gets the chance to shine outside as well as in school.
It is a very exciting time to be involved in PE & Sport here at AKPS as Mr Hockaday has helped put together a full and wide ranging plan of action to build on the successes of last year.
This year we are:
- Continuing to use the star challenge from the classroom into P.E.
- Using our AK core school values of Perseverance, Creativity, Friendship and Trust to underpin our Sports Merits
- Benefiting from the outdoor classroom to introduce lessons and evaluate our learning
- Developing new ways to access pupils’ progress in P.E. through the ‘Real PE’
- Introducing a sports leaders scheme in Year 5 & 6
- Engaging in as many healthy competitions as possible across both our Kingshill and RWBA clusters
- Providing lunchtime sessions to promote sportsmanship
- Organising an even bigger and better sports week than last year to offer even more opportunities for our pupils to experience sport and activity and learn about its benefits when combined with healthy diet and lifestyle choices
I truly believe that Team AK has something to offer every single pupil and I love seeing our stars make the first steps towards reaching their potential. Look out for the Team AK Sports & P.E. newsletters to see what we have been up to across the school.
We pride ourselves in looking smart for PE and having the right kit for the session here is a copy of the letter we will send out if your child does not have the correct kit in school – No PE kit letter
Sports News
At AK, we are part of the Cotswold School Sports Network which is
invaluable to us as it provides so many sports events which the children can
participate in during the school year. Here is a roundup of the sporting events we have taken part in so far this term:
Year 6 Football – CSSN Competition
On Friday 18th November, 10 Year 6 children took part in the annual CSSN tournament at Cirencester Primary School. The children participated brilliantly and represented AK fantastically well. All of the children showed the School Games values throughout (passion, self-belief, respect, honesty, determination and teamwork). In the round robin stage, the children played 8 games, winning 5, drawing 2 and losing just one. The team lost in a very close match against Bourton in the semi-finals before winning the third place play-off. Well done to all of you Year 6 footballing heroes!
Sportshall Athletics
On Tuesday 8th November, 28 children from Year 5 and 6 took part in an athletics event at Cirencester College. All of the children participated in various catching, throwing and jumping activities. Well done Team AK- we are proud of you all! Thank you as always to Mr Tanner for making these events happen for our pupils.
Year 5 and 6 Hockey Festival
This term, a team of hockey superstars from Years 5 and 6 took part in a skills festival at Deer Park. The children practiced their skills in a variety of drills before playing matches against Powells and St. Lawrence. Well done Team AK!
Year 3 and 4 Football Festival
Last week, a mixed team of footballing heroes from Year 3 and 4 took part in a festival at Cirencester Town FC. The children played against lots of other others schools including Cirencester Primary, Powells, Meysey Hampton and Stratton. The team played brilliantly and won every game! Well done Team AK – our footballing future certainly looks bright!
Year 4, 5 and 6 Football Fixture
Earlier in the term, a mixed Year 4/5/6 girls’ football team took part in a friendly match against Meysey Hampton. The girls played brilliantly in what was for some of them their first taste of competitive football. The team got better and better as the game went on and represented our school fantastically well. A huge well done to all of you and we look forward to another fixture in the near future!
Sports Week 2022
Recently, the whole school took part in our annual Sports Week. The children had a simply brilliant week which was jam-packed with a full range of exciting activities including tennis, football, cricket, archery, yoga, rugby, gymnastics dance and dodgeball to name just a few. During the week, we had a special visit from basketball coach Mark Waters who inspired the children (and staff!) with his positive energy and enthusiasm. We were also visited by Mel Tim and her famous smoothie bike – the children loved making healthy drinks and learning about different ingredients. Local sports clubs visited us and gave pupils the opportunities to try out different sports that are available in the AK area.
We also had our wonderful Year 6 children take on the staff in a netball match. The Year 6’s worked brilliantly as a team and played really well despite the height advantage! The whole school cheered on both teams in the sunshine.
We finished the week with Sports Morning which all the children participated in brilliantly. The inflatable assault course was a highlight and a talking point in the playground for the next few days post Sports Week! Well done to all of our children for representing their houses so well and trying their best in all of the activities.
Thank you to Mr Tanner, Mr Hockaday and all of our visitors and volunteers for their time and effort in making AK Sports Week so brilliant once again.
Jamie Knight Freestyle Footballer visit
On Friday 9th October 2020, AK were extremely lucky to have an inspirational visit from Freestyle Footballer Jamie Knight. Jamie began the day with an outdoor assembly where he showcased his incredible freestyle skills. Volunteer children attempted some too – he even got Mrs Saville and Mr Hockaday involved! Throughout the day, each class had a 30 minute workshop with Jamie where they tried a range of freestyle skills. The children absolutely loved it and participated brilliantly – they really were blown away by Jamie’s skills and enthusiasm. A fantastic day and a real treat for the children.
Details of all AK clubs including sport can be found under ‘After School Clubs’
Archive Sports News:
AKPS Sports Update Term 1 and 2 2017-18
School Sport Organising Crew 2017-18
The AK ‘School Sport Organising Crew’ (SSOC) for 2017-18 for term 1 & 2 was finalised on Friday with a presentation due to be made in assembly next Thursday (12th Oct). Our ‘SSOC’ will be responsible for Intra-School Tournaments and Challenges, Playground Games, AK Sports Merits, Match Reports, Posters and starting up a club to get children active. Each week Mr Tanner will give some leadership training to a small group. This training can then be put into practice at break/lunchtimes across the following week.
Building upon the foundations laid by last years year 6 sports house captains, this year, all Year 6 Pupils were given the opportunity to apply for, and be interviewed to be involved this year. We had 17 pupils apply for the 14 positions so it made the decision process really difficult.
The tough final decisions were made by Mr Tanner with help from the ‘Year 6 Teaching Team’. However with so many strong candidates for the roles of House Captain, Vice Captain, Sports Leader and Media Manager it became clear that we needed to allow some flexibility between these roles across the year. Therefore at Christmas and Easter we will review the positions and look to offer increased responsibility for those who deserve it.
‘On Guard!’ – Fencing at AK
We had only been back at school for a week (Sept 2017) before we welcomed the first of many exciting sporting opportunities that we can look forward to this year. Neil Bromley from Swindon Fencing Club came in and gave all 118 pupils in KS2 the chance to try Fencing. Participants really enjoyed learning the techniques and wearing the masks and protective gear. One pupil from Year 6 said ” I didn’t realise how challenging it would be, I loved it and want to do it again!”
For more information about Swindon Fencing Club –
Great Scenes at Cirencester Rugby Club
There were some great scenes in TAG Rubgy for instance scoring as many trys as GT, SB, TT, MD, or being as fast as HG, OW, ZM, EB, or being as defensive as LC, EC, FW, LV but I think the bravest was AR.
A.R was so brave with an injury on her head. She had an accident before the event started and had blood dripping down but she kept going.
We had great coaching from Mrs Dyson & Mr Tanner which made us good. We won loads, drew some and lost some but we kept going!!!
By Tom Macaulay (Year 4)
Girl Power at Football Festival
You can see how far we have come as a team in this tournament. Just a reminder on entering ‘Cirencester Girls Football Festival’ we had only played one game together previously. All the girls played really well all the way through in spirit and support for each other. We won 2 games overall with some stand out performances from DM, first time as goalkeeper. Special mention to MP. who defended our goal well. Whilst RB played a good attacking role upfront scoring 2 goals. Win, lose or draw we always play as a team!
By Melissa Kelly (Year 6)
Captains coming! Team AK House captains selected!
Our Yr 6 House captains have been selected and have been meeting with Mr Tanner to discuss and plan how they can can have a positive impact upon physical activity in and outside of school. The main aims for the summer term our:
- To plan and deliver a Change4Life club at lunchtimes for children who are less confident with sport
- To regularly offer lunchtime activities for pupils to enjoy
- To initiate inter-house fixtures and competitions
The captains attended a inspirational training workshop last week and have all commented on how it left them feeling confident that they can use and develop their leadership skills to improve our school. Look out for exciting announcements coming soon!
Mr Tanner
P.E. Kit and Extra Curricular Sports Selection Policy 2016/17
AK Sports update Term 1 & 2 – 2016-17
Click below to view news links: