School Lunches
Hot lunches were reintroduced at the school in January 2010, and are very popular with the children. The meals are provided by an outside company – Caterlink and any they would be happy to help you with any questions regarding allergies, menus, payments, dietary requirements, nutritional information please contact the school office who will facilitate this for you.
Please note the cost of a meal is £2.30
Please order online at ParentPay
You will need your child’s activation code letter to register them with parentpay. If you have mislaid your copy please contact the office.
We are a nut free school please ensure no nut products are brought into school, we have children with severe allergies.
Orders must be made by the end Wednesday for the following week
- As of September 2014, school lunches are free for all of KS1 (ie: class R, 1 and 2). Additional staff and equipment have been put in place to accommodate the increase in demand. Free lunches are ordered in the same way as paid lunches; as detailed below.
- Meals are provided 5 days a week. Your child(dren) can have the meals as many or few days as they want, there is no minimum. They can also change those days however suits, week by week.
- Meals are priced at £2.30 each and include main course and dessert.
- Meals can be ordered 1 week ahead for as many weeks ahead as you require.
- Menus are based on a 3 weekly cycle.
- All meals meet the new nutritional standards. For information on where food is sourced from is available via Caterlink.
- Each day the menu consists of main course or vegetarian option or jacket potato meal and dessert or fruit. Desserts do not need to be specifically ordered.
- Special dietary requirements or allergies can be accommodated, and a bespoke menu will be provided for your child/children.
- Your child(dren) won’t have to remember everyday what they are having as this will be controlled each day by Caterlink and the MDSA team. They will be given a coloured band corresponding to their choice.
- If your child is off sick, please cancel you bookings on Parentpay as soon as possible as refunds can be made if plenty of notice is given, especially for continued sickness. Please contact the office if you need help with this.
- Portion sizes are controlled so each child will receive the same amount.
On the days your child(dren) do not have hot lunches they should bring a packed lunch to school. Lunches should be in an airtight container, clearly marked with the child’s name. No breakable containers are allowed. Children may not bring fizzy drinks or sweets to school. We have a few children in school who are very reactive to nuts. We have also been informed that even ‘airborne exposure’ to nuts can cause a reaction. Please could parents be aware when filling lunchboxes and if possible avoid any food which may be harmful to these children.
Click here to view the Wiltshire Healthy Schools ‘Pick a Packed Lunch’ leaflet for tips on healthy lunchboxes.
School lunchtimes will take place from 12.15 p.m. – 1.15 p.m.