Government guidance ‘Living safely with respiratory infections, including COVID-19’ is available here
There is no longer a legal requirement for people with COVID-19 to self-isolate, the requirement to take a test to confirm COVID is only for specific groups of health and social care staff. Or if you have been asked to do so by a Health professional.
Pupils, staff visitors are asked to stay at home if presenting with a high temperature or if you do not feel well enough you should stay at home and try to avoid contact with other people until you no longer have a high temperature (if you had one) or until you no longer feel unwell.
Children who have the following symptoms must not be brought to school:
a high temperature
are too unwell too attend
have sickness or diarrhoea – pupils should stay at home until 48 hrs after last episode
As per our usual absence reporting procedure, please call the office (01285 861436) preferably between 8:30 – 9:00am to advise of any absence.
A thorough risk assessment has been completed and a detailed plan is in place in line with DfE (Department for Education) recommendations, LA guidance and Public Health England advice. This ‘Live’ document is under constant review.

Whilst this has been a very unusual and unsettling time for all, I remain ever proud of our AKPS family. We will endeavour to ensure that we keep great communication, support and care. I thank the whole school family for their fabulous support, flexibility and the essential Christian ethos of our school continues to shine through the love and kindness our family continue to show during this time.
Mrs Saville Headteacher
For NHS advice on the coronavirus please use following link:
The DFE have released this link to help with security for video conferencing .
Net Aware brings together the NSPCC’s expertise in protecting children and O2’s tech know-how, we’ve got everything you need to help you keep your kids safe online. Whether you’re an online expert or you’re unsure of where to start, we’re here to help.
Please use the following link for advice on keeping children safe from the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)