At AK, 100% attendance is vital to ensure all pupils achieve their full academic achievement. We see punctual and regular school attendance as central to raising standards in education and contributing significantly to each child’s progress. Absence from lessons can result in children falling behind in their learning, social development and can also put their safety at risk. Children with regular poor attendance are vulnerable and more likely to underachieve in both primary and secondary school.
If your child is unwell, please telephone the school office from 8am to inform us on 01285 861436. If we do not hear from you, we operate a first day calling system to ensure that you are aware that they aren’t in school and to find out the reason for their absence. All absences will need a written note for our records which are scrutinised by the Education Welfare Officer (EWO).
Government targets for attendance are 97% for every pupil. Those children with less than 90% attendance are considered persistent absentees, even if the reason for absence is authorised.
Is your child too poorly for school or nursery? Advice from the NHS to help you decide…
If you are unsure about a child’s wellbeing, please talk to your local pharmacist, call the NHS helpline on 111, or contact your GP.
High Temperature – Keep your child at home until the temperature goes away.
Feeling anxious or worried – Bring your child to school and speak with a member of staff.
Coughs & Colds – with no temperature, send your child to school.
Sore Throat – with no temperature, send your child to school.
Vomiting & Diarrhoea – Keep your child at home for 48 hours after the last episode.
For details about other illnesses, visit the NHS website here: Is my child too ill for school? Or follow the link below: How long should my child stay at home?
Regular attendance means attending school every-day, arriving at school on time and attending every lesson. Failing to attend school regularly can have a major impact on children’s education, their future and their life chances.
The safeguarding of our pupils is paramount when they are in our care. For this reason the Governing Body’s policy on attendance aims to ensure every pupil is accounted for on each of the days school is open and a comprehensive system of attendance is maintained for every pupil on roll.
Absence during term-time interrupts continuity of teaching and learning and disrupts the educational progress of individual children.
The Governors do recognise there will be occasions where children will be absent from school due to illness and/or unavoidable medical appointments.
With effect from 19 August 2024, Wiltshire Council may issue penalty notices for unauthorised absence from school. This includes unauthorised absence as a result of a holiday taken in term-time. If a pupil accumulates 10 or more sessions of unauthorised absence within a 10 week period the school may issue you with a Notice to Improve School Attendance*. If your child’s attendance does not improve the school must notify the local authority and a penalty notice will be issued to each parent for each child where that applies.
A penalty notice of £160 will apply to be paid within 28 days. This will be reduced to £80 if paid within 21 days. (a parent will receive
a penalty notice for each of their children). If a further penalty notice should be issued in relation to the same child within 3 years of the first penalty notice this will be in the sum of £160 to be paid within 28 days. (a parent will receive a penalty notice for each of their children). If after 28 days the penalty has not been paid, legal proceedings will be taken through the magistrates’ court for the unauthorised absence.
*NB: A Notice to Improve School Attendance will not be issued where the unauthorised absence is due to a holiday in term-time.
For more information about penalty notices, please see the letter below from Wiltshire Council:
Wiltshire Council letter for parents – attendance changes