Admissions Policy & Procedures

All children who live in the village of Ashton Keynes and within the Leigh catchment area are entitled to a place at this school subject to our Published Admission Number (PAN). We can accept children from outside these areas and from the county of Gloucestershire only if numbers permit and in accordance with each LEA. Overall all of our admissions are controlled by Wiltshire Council.

Please contact the school if you would like more information about admissions as we are now full in most year groups.

We currently have a PAN of 30 pupils per class.

In accordance with Wiltshire and Gloucestershire Council policy, children may begin school in the September after their 4th birthday. All children starting school will attend full-time from the beginning of the Autumn term. Children are not legally required to attend school until the term after their fifth birthday.

In Ashton Keynes School there are 7 year groups and 7 classes – one year group in each class. You are most welcome to visit the school before applying, please ring or email to make an appointment.

As a Voluntary Controlled School our admissions are controlled by Wiltshire Council. Further details of the admission procedure to our school (Reception or in year transfer) if you live in Wiltshire can be found by clicking on the following link – Wiltshire Primary Schools Admissions Procedure.

Determined Admission Arrangements Voluntary Controlled Community Primary schools 2024-25

Determined Admission Arrangements Voluntary Controlled Community Primary Schools 2025-26

If you do not live in Wiltshire and want to apply for a Reception place at a  Wiltshire school, you must make an application to your own local authority. They will then pass on your application details to us. You will not be able to use the Wiltshire online application system or Wiltshire’s common paper application form. The only exception to this would be applications from children of UK service personnel and also in year transfers.

If you are making an in year transfer application you may do so using the following link:

Determined Co-ordinated Scheme for Primary School Admissions 2024-25 (PDF)