
We aim to create fluent and confident writers who enjoy expressing themselves through writing for various purposes. Our writing is structured around high quality vocabulary texts which attract and engage our learners. These texts are chosen for their varying and high quality descriptive language which we immerse the children in. Reading informs our writing.
As soon as children begin their school journey, we encourage them to begin expressing themselves through writing which can begin as mark making. In our Reception Class opportunities are given daily to write. This will progress over the year into more formalised writing groups and sometimes whole class writing sessions.
As children move up through the school, they are exposed to more formal writing lessons where they explore a range of different text types and genres identifying their features and the register of the language used in them.
Star challenges are used in all writing lessons to ensure challenge and support at all levels for all children.
Grammar is embedded within our writing lessons. Spelling is taught discretely and is monitored through the children’s writing. In Reception and KS1 spelling is taught through daily phonics using ‘Unlocking Letters and Sounds’.