
We aim to create fluent readers who will monitor their understanding of what they are reading and review the text when something does not make sense.
As soon as children begin their school journey we encourage and foster a love of reading and listening to stories. In our Reception class we have a dedicated ‘reading time’ every day for children to look at and enjoy the wide range of fiction and non-fiction books we have in class. Reading books begin to be taken home during the first term and are changed during the week. We practise the skill of reading with individuals, small groups and with the whole class. Our reading books are arranged to align with each phase of our phonics teaching. In KS1 Guided reading is carried out daily in small groups allowing group discussion and close monitoring of reading progression by the class teacher. They are taught explicit skills to allow them to be successful readers as they enter KS2. In KS2 whole-class guided reading allows for pupils to be explicitly taught strategies including inference, questioning, clarifying, summarising, and prediction and activating prior knowledge. The pupils use these strategies to check how well they comprehend what they have read, and overcome barriers to comprehension. Whole class guided reading enables challenge at all levels for children through the exposure to more complex texts. Pupils develop skills in skimming and scanning, forming opinions, thinking aloud, asking questions, getting the gist, connecting to prior knowledge, inference and prediction. These skills are applied by the pupils with increased independence when interacting with texts across all curriculum areas. Pupils are exposed to a rich and varied reading culture which helps them develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually.
Must read books before you leave AK
Phonics is taught throughout Reception and KS1 using Unlocking Letters and Sounds which ensure systematic coverage and progression. Children start phonics when they join our Reception class. Phonics is taught daily in class focusing on children’s recognition of the letter sounds and how to read and write these.
In Key Stage 1 children may be taught in smaller groups, led either by the class teacher or by trained learning support staff. The children are assessed regularly to ensure that they are in the appropriate group for supporting and extending their individual needs. Year 1 children take part in statutory Phonics Screening during the summer term, and parents are informed of their child’s achievement at the end of the school year. The national curriculum is used to form the basis for the teaching of spelling from Year 2 upwards.

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