Class 3
Welcome to Class 3
Term 2
Years 2-6 thoroughly enjoyed their trip to see Cinderella at the Wyvern Theatre.
Forest School
We have been so fortunate to have so many exciting forest school sessions so far this year. Most notably, trying to make whistles out of wood, which needed lots of perseverance from the children. Mr Jackson, Mrs Willis and I were so impressed with Class 3! They also had the opportunity to make Christmas wreaths using wood found on our school playground. We have also used a forest school session to investigate different rocks – linking to our Science unit.
Making wood whistles Christmas Wreath Smooth rocks
Open The Book
Class 3 have had multiple opportunities to take part in our whole school Open the Book worships – where they act out different Bible stories each week.

The whole school enjoyed our Quidditch day. Class 3 had their own opportunity to have a go at their own version of Quidditch – which was incredibly exciting.
Term 1
The Great Kapok Tree – This book highlighted the issues surrounding deforestation and its impacts. We discussed the conflicting issues that surround this issue.
We produced our own ‘mini’ books carrying on the story, predicting what one of the characters should do.
Linking to our Ancient Egypt topic in History, we developed our sewing techniques in our DT lessons (running stitch and cross-stitch) by designing and producing our own Egyptian collars. Thank you to the parents and carers who volunteered their time to help.
Life in all its fullness
Our term has started by looking at the book ‘Every child a Song‘. The children have enjoyed exploring the learning metaphor of Life in all its Fullness. This book highlights that everyone is unique and that all children have the right to be heard.

Class 3 have been looking at how we can be good global neighbours and raise awareness for issues across the world – with discussions focussing on access to clean water. We have explored Water Aid and how they help people who don’t have access to clean water, by installing drinking taps, safe toilets and educating children.
During our in-class worship we noted what makes our lives full. Here are a few examples of Class 3’s work from their very first week:
Class 3 Newsletter Autumn Term 2023-24
Terms 5 and 6
Wow!! What a busy time we have been having in Class 3. We had so many wonderful opportunities for growth lately and it has been amazing to see the children rising to every challenge and engaging with everything that has been offered to them.
The children made incredible tiles with Mrs Dyminksi. They have tested forces, materials and friction in Science. We took this one step further and continued our learning of forces into Forest School where we build aircraft from natural resources only.

During Sports Week the children were provided with some fantstic sporting opportunites. The weather was erractic but it didn’t at all dampen the children’s spirits and they gave absolute maximum effort to everyting they tried.
It was lovely to see so many smiling faces and tops adourned with stickers.

Then came the CAMP OUT!! Sleep, what’s sleep…??
The children were absolutely incredible and we are so incredibly proud of each and every single one of them. All 30 children joined us and participated in all the activities on offer. It was joyous to watch them in our setting with a new-found sense of freedom and togetherness. The happiness on each child’s face was heart-warming and it was lovely to see them leaving (blurry eyed) still with a huge smile on their faces. A great time was had by all.
They are already super excited for Viney Hill!

Term 4
What a fantastic term Class 3 have had. We aren’t sure how we have crammed so many amazing learning opportunities in, but we managed it!
We kicked off the term with two art days with Mrs Dyminski. The children learnt more about the work of George Seurat and the foundations of pointillism. They created the most amazing pieces of art. Our Class assembly was a huge success and most importantly the children came together as one and enjoyed the experience.
During World Book Day week we enjoyed various activities. We had the most amazing time with Emma from the travelling theatre company, West End in Schools. The children certainly enjoyed themselves and loved having the chance to perform the Alice In Wonderland story. We also joined teacher Kit Brown and authors Ben Lyttleton and Alex Bellos for The Great Booky and Footy Quiz!!
Science Week 2024 was super busy! We looked at the science behind transport and how we can build sustainable transport for the future. We also looked at how tech is used in sports to keep sports people safe.
It felt like Spring was springing when we had Forest School. We had the opportunity to help Mr Jackson with a spot of gardening and we then visited the pond with Mrs Willis and we were lucky enough to see a newt!!
Well-being afternoon 2024
Children’s Mental Health Week took place during 5-11 February 2024. The theme this year was ‘my voice matters’. This theme is about empowering young people by equipping them with tools to express themselves and look after their mental health and wellbeing.
To celebrate this we made a collection of shoe boxes and invited parents and carers to come into school for the afternoon to join us in making ‘well-being’ boxes. The children chose items that hold a significant importance to them, decorations and anything they felt may give them a little boost should they need it. We created the well-being boxes in the hope that in moments of emotional hardship the children will have something to draw on to help them feel some level of comfort.
Term 3
Class 3 have been super busy in Term 3. They came back from the Christmas and New Year break ready to see what challenges we had ahead.
In music we were very lucky to have Fin’s Grandma in class to support us in perfecting our recorder skills. We learnt Bob Marley’s ‘Three Little Birds’ in 2 parts and we can’t wait to perform that to you all.
In Forest School we checked in on our spring bulb planting from before Christmas to see how it was going, and we were pleasantly surprised to see lots of shoots ready to bloom.
We looked at Ug the genius boy from the Stone Age and his ingenious suggestions and ideas that he offered to the Stone Age communities. We looked at The Lost Happy Endings and wrote some beautiful emotion based poems.
Term 2
Art days
Class 3 had their first art days of the year and started their Pointillism portrait project. Mrs Dyminski supported the children so brilliantly through each stage relating the art objectives through texts and meaningful, engaging activities. The outcomes that each child produced are genuinely breath taking.
Term 1
Forest school
In science we have been studying the skeleton system in humans and animals and answering the enquiry question – Are all skeletons the same? We have learnt some amazing facts like when you a grow, the number of bones you have decrease. We were fascinated to learn the difference between endoskeletons and exoskeletons. We were very keen to put our new-found knowledge into practice! Wednesday afternoon came and we were so pleased to welcome parents and carers to join us for a wonderful afternoon in the sun. Mr Jackson presented us with owl pellets and we had a challenge on our hands. We were to dissect the pellets, explore the contents and identify as many bones as we could. Our next mission was to re-build as many skeletons as we could and then identify what animal it could have been.
We all had the best afternoon! Thank you so much for joining us, we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.
Archive Posts
Year 3 – Annual Curriculum Overview 22-23
Class 3 Newsletter for Spring Term
Term 2
Forest School
For our Christmas forest school, we made wreaths of willow – I’m sure many of you know this as children came home with so many!
The children had a fantastic time doing this, and it took a lot of perseverance and resilience for some of them to keep going when their broke or didn’t go as planned. Such an excellent last session of the term!
Parent Book Look
Having some of you in to look at your children’s books was such a lovely experience: seeing the children so happy to be sharing what they have done with you, and excitedly explaining their work was an absolute joy. I think it added an extra dimension for yourselves too, as the children were able to give you so much extra information instead of you just looking at their books alone. We’ll aim to do this again in both Spring and Summer term, with at least one of those being after school to hopefully allow other parents that couldn’t make it last time to join us.
Rampaging Romans – English and history
Class 3 have had such a fantastic Autumn term: the children have shone so brightly!
Top of our list would have to be our trip to the Corinium in Cirencester a few weeks ago.
We were lucky enough to take part in a gladiator workshop, where many of the children were able to stand up and try on armour, hold weapons, and even take part in mock battles. It was fascinating to hear how the Emperor of Rome would put this entertainment on to keep their people happy, and that the battles would become more specialised throughout.
Below are some pictures of the children in costume.
As well as trying on armour and wielding weapons, we were able to look at artefacts that have been found from the Roman era, and the children were even able to spell out their names using Roman letters.
This term, we’ve focused on diary writing in our English lessons: we looked at Romans during their lengthy training and thought about how they would be feeling. In our writing, we tried to ‘show, not tell’ to show emotions to the reader. The children included fantastic language features throughout, such as time adverbials, adverbials of manner and even similes and metaphors. Sometimes it’s been hard to believe that I’m reading a Year 3 child’s work!
Here are two examples:
Term 1
Raging Romans – English and history
In addition the the work below, the children have spent a lot of time exploring life in Roman times. This has included the following: understanding what their settlements looked like in contrast with the Celts, whom they later invaded; appreciating the strength of the Roman army; understanding and being able to explain how the Romans kept control of such a large empire, and even being able to understand the information artefacts found at Chedworth give us about Romans and their way of life.
This has culminated in some fantastic work in history books, with lots of extended writing, but also with an informative and well-written non-chronological report in their English lessons. Here are just a few.
Can you believe that these are pieces or work created by Year 3s? I was so impressed and proud of their efforts, and it makes me incredibly excited to see what they go on to produce next!
In art this term, the children focused on printmaking. This began with understanding how colours work together, including primary and secondary colours. They also learnt about both mono printing and relief printing, and the differences between them.
They then went on to create their own printing tiles inspired by work by William Morris, and printed with it in on a variety of materials.
The children have added many other strings to their bow too.
Over a day and a half of design and technology lessons, and with some fantastic parent helpers, Mrs Dyminski worked with the children to design, construct and evaluate their own leaf cushions, which are now hanging proudly on a display in our classroom alongside some of their other artwork.
It Starts With a Seed
What a fantastic start the children have had this year – all of the adults have been impressed with their determination, kindness and perseverance.
We’ve started the year by looking at a book called ‘It Starts with A Seed’.

This has actually been a school-wide task, with each class then branching off into their own tasks.
The children in Class 3 created some fantastic poetry about themselves as trees, with some detailing how they got there from a seed. They then created some beautiful watercolour paintings of ‘their tree’ as a backdrop for their poems. You’ll have the opportunity to see these on our classroom wall when you attend parent’s evening.