Class 2
Welcome to Class 2
Phonics & spelling resources
Phase 4 sound mat (no CEW mat for Phase 4)
Handwriting resources
Maths resources
We The Curious visit
Class 2 enjoyed a trip to We the Curious in Bristol. They took part in a space workshop where they had lots of fun building and launching rockets as well as learning lots about what it’s like being an astronaut. They also visited the planetarium for a fantastic tour of space and the solar system. The children enjoyed exploring the exhibits – there was so much to see and do!

Open Forest School session with parents
In Science we have been looking at the survival needs of animals. In class we investigated the 4 survival needs of a bird and that what type of diet they have. We learnt that birds are insectivores! With this in mind we wanted to take our growing knowledge to the outdoor classroom. We spent time bird spotting in various places on the field and to finish off we invited our parents in to join us in making bird feeders to support the survival needs of birds. We all had a lovely (thankfully dry) afternoon. Thank you all for joining us.
Visit from Life Education Wiltshire
Today we welcomed Harold to our class to share with us ideas about how to manage our feelings. We talked about looking after each other when we can see that our friends may need our support. Harold and Kiki spoke to us about maybe getting some fresh air, taking some deep breaths, having a drink of water, resting and looking after ourselves as we know these things are good for us.

Archive Posts
2022 – 2023
Year 2 Annual Overview 2022-2023
Spring Term
We visited Holy Cross Church to meet Reverend Shirley and find out more about Easter. She was very impressed with the children’s knowledge and invited them to share some of what they had learnt at the school Easter service.

Class 2 constructed Ferris Wheels using cardboard, lolly sticks and dowling wood and even a hot glue gun! They had to ensure that the wheel rotated smoothly and that they could attach pods which would rotate with the wheel and not tip the passengers out! We have been very impressed with their DT skills and their ability to identify problems with their designs and how to overcome them.

November 2022 – Computing: Programming
Class 2 are learning about programming and algorithms. They have been using Bee Bots and taking turns to create sequences of instructions which their group have to use to predict the outcome of the sequence and predict where the Bee Bot will travel to on the floor mat. They even became human Bee Bots and programmed each other to move across the floor!

November 2022 – STEM challenge
Class 2 were visited by Mr Barry and pupils from Pinewood School to complete a STEM challenge. The children completed the Spaghetti Tower Challenge! The children worked very well together and had many different approaches to their construction.

November 2022 – Skinny Jean Gardener visit
We were lucky to be visited by Lee Connelly, the Skinny Jean Gardener, who led a workshop teaching us about pollinators and pests in our gardens. We learnt why pollinators are so important as well as why we need pests in our gardens to feed birds and other wildlife. It was really interesting to look at a large hornet’s nest that one of the children brought in from home too.

After playing a game to find natural objects with different textures on the school grounds, we worked in teams to create some bug homes to attract insects to our field. Take a look at our creations!

September 2022 – Wiltshire Air Ambulance visit
Wiltshire Air Ambulance visited Ashton Keynes and gave the children a valuable lesson on life saving techniques. Below are some pictures showing the children practising CPR and the recovery position.