APKS shines in SIAMS inspection

We are delighted to share with you our recent SIAMs (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) inspection report. Please click the following link to read the full report, and here are just a few of the many amazing things said about our school which we would proudly like to share: Final SIAMS report Ashton Keynes VC Primary 126297 A warm, welcoming atmosphere greets...
Read MoreEcology visit

Bewley Homes Showcase Ecology Initiatives to Ashton Keynes Primary School Pupils As part of its ongoing commitment to sustainability and ecology, Bewley Homes recently visited Ashton Keynes Church of England Primary School to showcase the ecological measures being implemented at King’s Water, its flagship new development on the edge of the Cotswold Water Park. The visit aimed to...
Read MoreAshton Keynes CE Primary launches new sport – Quidditch!

We embraced the Harry Potter theme and welcomed two fellow Muggles (non- magical beings in case you don’t know!) into our school for an amazing Quidditch experience day to launch the sport. The children absolutely loved it and the staff too! This was evident in the smiles, giggles during the day and what the children told us afterwards, they cannot wait to play again! Starting with an...
Read MoreWiltshire Music Awards 2024

Congratulations to our music lead Mrs Crowley, who we are very proud to say has won the Wiltshire Music Inclusion Award 2024. The panel was so impressed by your work and the impact you’ve made on the pupils at your school. We are delighted to have been able to name you as the recipient of the Wiltshire Music Inclusion Award 2024! – Wiltshire Music...
Read MoreSports Week 2024!

Once again, our annual AK Sports Week was a huge success! The children had an action-packed week which included visits from many local sports clubs. The children all experienced a range of different sports in addition to their usual PE lessons including: Archery (The Range), Yoga (Ms Jackson), Netball (Miss Wing), Cricket (AKCC), Tennis (AKTC & Elliot Kami), Rugby (Minety RFC), Football...
Read MoreSuccess for Sammy

We are delighted to celebrate that Sammy in Year 6 entered the Mid-Somerset Speech and Drama Festival in Bath and won both solo acting and memorised poem. He later received the memorial trophy for the most outstanding performance of the festival in the junior category. I’m sure you will join me in congratulating Sammy in this incredible achievement. Sammy often shares his passion for drama...
Read MoreCelebrating Successes
Congratulations to Maddie who was a winner in the Bathurst estate carving competition event. Her fabulous mini beasts were incorporated into the totem pole design which has been beautifully carved and now proudly on display in the Bathurst park, Cirencester. Maddie was one of nineteen children who influenced the totem. She was the only one who drew a ladybird and a snail – both...
Read MoreShine Bright Live on Spotify/Apple Music!

The moment has come…our new school song ‘Shine Bright’ written by our children and Josh record featuring rapping by years 5 and 6 written by the classes and coached and inspired by awesome mc and rapper Ad-apt has been released and you can access it on Spotify and Apple music in the links below. This is a first for our school and we are so excited and incredibly...
Read MoreStay and Share sessions for parents, carers and pupils

Each class invited their parents and carers in November and March to come and sit with their children and have a learning chat to share their learning together. We always make books available for parents’ evenings but there is so much learning that goes on beyond what you see in the books and we want to give you chance to be in the classroom and listen to your child as they talk you...
Read MoreSuccesses for celebration

Art Success: We are incredibly proud of Evie in Year 3 and Livia in Year 5 for their brilliant entries to the Oexmann art competition which our art lead Miss Usher offered to pupils to take part in. We were delighted for them both with Evie in Year 3 who came in second place and Livia in year 5 who was highly commended. Their art will now be on display in the Oxemann alongside other winners...
Read MoreTeam AK in the elite Top 250 schools Sunday Times List for a third year running!

Ashton Keynes Primary School is for the third year running one of the Sunday Times top 250 State Primary Schools! We are ranked at 125th which, when you consider there are 16,769 state primary schools in England (https://www.besa.org.uk/key-uk-education-statistics/), puts us in the top 1% of all English primary schools! Despite the challenges of COVID which every school faced,...
Read MoreComic strip workshop

Class 5 and 6 had an amazing workshop, at the end of Term 2, with the well-known and very talented comic strip creator Kev F Sutherland who has drawn for many comics including the Beano and Marvel! The children learnt how to set up and draw a successful comic strip, how comic strips are made and how to draw in the style of other graphic artists. The session ended with the children creating...
Read MoreAK School Choir Shining Brightly!

We are very proud of our school choir who sang beautifully at Holy Cross Church last Sunday during the Christingle service. We sang a Christmas round, a carol and even a rendition of When Christmas comes to Town, complete with three super solos from Nate, Jess and Lottie. It was a very special service and a lovely start to the festive times ahead. We are now very much looking...
Read MoreSpecial visitor at Breakfast Club
We were very lucky at breakfast club last week, as we had Father Christmas come to visit us. We enjoyed a festive breakfast of pancakes, croissants and fresh fruit and got the chance to meet Father Christmas himself, who had bought all the children a gift. After we had finished eating we played some exciting party games to finish our morning! All the children throughly enjoyed their festive...
Read MoreScience Week

Science Week was all about bubbles! We explored the bubbles that floated the highest, travelled the furthest, lasted the longest or were simply the biggest. We measured with stopwatches, rulers tape measures and our eyes. We changed variables such as the wand, the amount ingredients, the location (inside/outside). But above all we had fun!...

Children returning to school and outside the new key stage 1 classrooms. Courtesy of Abi Williamson Photography Ashton Keynes C of E Primary School, ranked 125th in the whole country in the 2020 Sunday Times Parent Power Guide, had an extra spring in their step going back to school, as they have recently announced that their fundraising initiative to fully pay for the build of their brand new...
Read MoreNew film of new build and school in action! Enjoy!

On behalf of Ashton Keynes CE Primary School and Team AK, I want to thank every single person who has given to our school and enabled our David Tarr Learning hub to move from a vision to a reality. This could not have been achieved without your generous contributions and efforts with fundraising and whilst I look forward to an official opening when we can, here is a film to show how much...
Read More‘Skinny Jean Gardner & AKPS Podcast – for Anti- Bullying week have a listen!

We were lucky to have another visit from the ‘Skinny Jean Gardner’ AKA Lee Connelly on 14th November 2022. The UK’s number 1 children’s gardening educator and a presenter from CBBC Blue Peter – for more information about Lee take a look at his website here. For Anti-Bullying week class 5 took part in a discussion with Lee where they shared how they feel their...
Read MoreA message from School……

A message to our wonderful children, families and all of Team AK. We miss you all so much and are so proud of you for working hard and staying positive during this difficult time. Keep smiling and keep shining, you are all amazing!...
Read MoreSkinny Jean Gardener Tour

We welcomed the return of Lee AKA the Skinny Jean Gardener to school last week (11th March) on his ‘sow along’ tour and we loved planting our very own mini seedling pots. We love Forest School and gardening at our school. We are so lucky to do this awesome work with Lee. Please see the youtube video of our live video stream from the great planting session....
Read MoreTune in to iSing Pop

Good news… our friends from iSing pop are launching a brand new you tube channel for us to access new iSing pop songs from home during this time. Please join in and enjoy, we will all perform the songs when we safely return to school. Enjoy love Mrs Saville...
Read MoreAKPS Choir shines at Wembley

If you had been in school on the morning of Friday 7th February (2020) you would have felt a buzz of excitement around the KS2 classes. Members of the choir were so excited to be going to Wembley Arena to perform in the 2020 Young Voices concert. This was to be the first time Ashton Keynes Primary School had taken part in this amazing event and after months practicing of song words and...
Read MoreTeam AK in the elite Top 250 schools Sunday Times List!

Ashton Keynes Primary School is one of the Sunday Times top 250 State Primary Schools! We are ranked at joint 212 which, when you consider there are 16,769 state primary schools in England (https://www.besa.org.uk/key-uk-education-statistics/), puts us in the top 1.5% of all English primary schools! Last year we were awarded the Pride of the Cotswolds School of the Year 2018 which we were...
Read MoreSchool Council Team AK Roaming Reporters

Mrs Saville has given the School Council the challenge of reporting on the weekly progress of the school build. They have accepted this challenge with gusto and here is their first report. You can also follow their blog on the School Council page of our website. Tuesday 3rd March 2020 The roof of the learning hub is being built! There is so much going on at the moment, the new...
Read MoreAK awarded the WIRE Award
I am delighted to let you know that our school was awarded the WIRE award by Katy Staples from the Diocese this week. We are so proud to be an outstanding Church of England School and whist we shine brightly already, we have been reaching for the stars again and have as a result received another award. Miss Thomas our RE leader was incredible in providing us all with wonderful training and...
Read MoreStaff Yoga
Well-being is so very important in Team Ak. After a day of yoga for the children, the staff had their turn! This along with massage, mindfulness and Zumba are just a few of the regular ways the children and staff look after one another in Team Ak. Your very proud Headteacher Mrs Saville Namaste...
Read MoreAKPS accredited highest level in Challenge Partners Review; ‘Leading’

To challenge ourselves as a school and to ensure that our school improvement plans are the best they can be to ensure the best outcomes for our children, we are part of Challenge partners, a national programme. We have been reviewed by teams from Challenge partners for the past 4 years, affirming the school improvement journey we are on. Our outcomes started as GOOD in 2017, then have...
Read MoreSchool Choir ‘Shines Brightly’ at Concerts

We were super proud of our school choir and instrumental players as they took to the stage and performed in no less than two concerts on Saturday 8th June. The school choir sang a variety of songs from the stage and films and our guitar and ukulele players ably performed the theme tunes from Harry Potter and James Bond.We were joined by the Siren Sisters and other singers from...
Read MoreAwareness of the World Week (3rd – 7th June)

Awareness of the World Week (3rd – 7th June) Turning the Tide on Plastic Pollution was the focus in Class four during Awareness of the World Week this year. After watching Planet Earth 2 and seeing the devastating impact single use plastic has on our world, oceans and people, we have been keen to make a difference! We investigated ‘how long until it’s gone?’ and...
Read MoreGOLD for Team AK at RHS Malvern Spring Festival 2019

Woohooooo!We only went and did it! Team AK got GOLD at the Malvern Show for their show garden and community project. (A leaflet describing the garden including a plan is below).A huge well done to everybody, all our sponsors and especially for Team 4 who faced the judges so fantastically.A wonderful team effort led by our fantastic Mr Jackson. Mrs Saville The whole school have been...
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