Skinny Jean Gardner visits AKPS

On Wednesday 27th March, the whole school took part in an a workshop with the ‘Skinny Jean Gardener’ Lee as part of our Malvern Flower Show competition. Mr Jackson organised the day with Lee, and the entire school spent up to an hour outside in the glorious sunshine with Lee. We planted seeds, painted walls, potted on vegetables and plants, weeded the flower beds, made willow walls,...
Read MoreExperimenting for Science Week

As you may know, last week was science week. Throughout the school we have been conducting experiments based on journeys! Your child/children will have experienced activities (such as raining blood, lava lamps and rainbow cups). Some experiments worked really well such as Year 4s lava lamps and some not so well. It doesn’t matter if it worked it only matters we had fun. Zara; Year 5...
Read MoreHigh Performing School Letter from Local Authority
We are very proud to have received a letter from Wiltshire Council in recognition of our high performing school. Well don Team AK! Please click link below to view: Local Authority High Performing Schools Letter Ashton Keynes C of E...
Read MoreNational Young Mathematicians Regional Winners

Huge congratulations to our Maths Challenge Team; Anna, Sam, Jessica & Gilbert. They competed in a team maths challenge run by the NRICH project at the University of Cambridge and Explore Learning. Participants (over 1260 schools nationwide) must work as a team to tackle a never-before-seen mathematical problem. Our team of four pupils took part in the first round on 7th November making it...
Read MoreTeam AK support the Children in Need Rickshaw Challenge 2018

Team AK were out in force this morning (13.11.18) lining the road at the end of Gosditch Ashton Keynes to wave and cheer (with lots of enthusiasm!) in support of the Rickshaw Challenge which passed by at the slightly earlier than estimated time of 7:40 a.m. Miss Boase and class 4 had made some amazing banners to wave. We received lots of waves and smiles in return. Take a look at some of the...
Read MoreInstaTeam App launches for Team AK

We are excited to introduce our new app/website based administration system to co-ordinate all school sport events from this point forwards. InstaTeam can be accessed via smart phone app or online and will bring some much needed efficiency to the way we prepare for events outside of school. The app is completely free and all of the necessary features can be used without paying for ‘ad free’...
Read MoreAKPS get stuck into Robokid kits

The UKESF has supplied Ashton Keynes Primary School with several Robokid kits to trial out with their pupils. Robokid is a hands-on electronics project for use in the classroom with Years 4, 5 and 6 (age 9–11, Key Stage 2) that aims to encourage enthusiasm for Electronics and STEM subjects. Click the link below to read the report: Local schoolchildren get stuck into Robokid kits –...
Read MoreWinners! Pride of the Cotswolds ‘School of the Year’ Award 2018

Wooohooooo! Our school is BUZZING! The children and staff are all over the moon to be School of the YEAR 2018! I cannot thank you all enough for your support and for the nominations. The awards evening was incredibly humbling and I could not have been more proud to be your Headteacher and accept the award on behalf of us all- TEAM AK! Moments like this are precious and we should all treasure...
Read MoreTeam AK Steams Ahead at RHS Malvern Spring Garden Festival

We were thrilled to receive the call from Mr Jackson yesterday (10th May) confirming the AKPS show garden had won 2 certificates! We were runners up in the ‘Best project management’ and also received a commended from the RHS. What a fantastic result and well done to all involved in the AKPS Team Malvern including children, staff, volunteers and sponsors. Class 4...
Read MoreTEAM AK live on BBC Wiltshire Breakfast Show
I love this school. Not only is it a joy day to day to see your children behaving beautifully and making strides in their learning, but it is wonderful to provide and embrace wonderful opportunities for our school to shine. Last week, we were chosen to host the BBC Wiltshire Breakfast show as part of their Step into Summer initiative. I thought the coverage of our school and village community...
Read MoreAKPS Inter-schools Football Champions 2018

It is with great pleasure I introduce the inter-schools football Champions 2018. With 2 pools of 5 teams from around the area: Pool1: CPS White, Ann Edwards, AKPS, St Lawrence Gold, Fairford Pool2: St Lawrence Blue, Powells, CPS Red, Avening, Stratton AK- Won 3- Drew 1 – No goals conceded – Top pool 1 3rd place play off – Fairford v Powells- 0-0 Draw Final – AK 1 v CPS...
Read MoreScience Week ‘Exploration and Discovery’

If you had come into school last week (week beginning 12th March) you would have been amazed by the range of activities taking place as part of National Science Week. This year the theme was exploration and discovery. Here at AKPS each class enjoyed and participated in all sorts of fun filled science based experiences from making poo (yes poo! ) in Class 2, bouncy balls in Class 5 to creating...
Read MoreEaster Egg Enterprise Project Winners

A huge thanks to everyone who entered Class 2’s Easter Egg Enterprise Project! The entries were ‘eggceptional’. Congratulations to the winners: Reception and KS1 – Evie C Ks2 – Lucy C Toddler – George Dursley Parent – Mrs Claridge Take a look at some of the fabulous...
Read MoreMinister of State for School Standards congratulates AKPS

We are VERY proud to have received a letter from the Rt Hon Nick Gibb MP Minister of State for School Standards, officially congratulating team AK for being in the top 2% of all schools nationally in terms of progress from KS1 to KS2. Team AK is shining...
Read MoreChallenge Partners Review OUTSTANDING

Challenge Partner review found us to be OUTSTANDING! As you may be aware, this week we had our annual review of our school with Challenge Partners. We were really keen for the team, led by an experienced HMI Ofsted inspector, to validate our work on the two Ofsted targets we were set in July. I am absolutely delighted with the outcome. Three visitors came and reviewed the school over 3...
Read MoreHeadline news: AKPS Top Performing School in Wiltshire!

Woweeeee our school is certainly shining brightly! We are ranked 1st out of 238 schools in Wiltshire! I was super proud last week when I saw us named in the Times top 10 Best Primary Schools in Wiltshire but understood that this league table is based purely on % attaining the standard in KS2 2017. Whilst this is excellent, I am more concerned about the distance our children travel from their...
Read MoreAKPS Smooga Opening

The Smooga was officially opened on a rather rainy 9th March. Thank you to all those who attended. It is a wonderful legacy to all the FoAKS fundraising over many years! A huge thank you to all those who have been involved with the planning and implementation it is an invaluable addition to our school. Archive post: Copy of the letter from Mrs Saville: I wanted to...
Read MoreVisit from Paul Sturgess – AK Stars on BBC Points West

15th November WOW, what an exciting day we are having in AKPS. The children are really inspired and actively engaged in workshops throughout the day. Our inspirational visitor is the World’s Tallest Basketball player, Harlem Globetrotters very own Paul Sturgess. He is also Great Britain’s tallest man coming in at a staggering 7ft7! Following a truly inspirational assembly where he...
Read MoreVisitors to AKPS from Kabale Uganda

This morning (10th November) we welcomed two visitors from Uganda. One of them is a parent of children in our link school Kabale Prep school, both are part of the Education system. They had a lovely morning in school learning and experiencing how our school works and observing the teaching and learning. They really enjoyed joining in with worship and iSing pop ‘Friends for Life’. They have...
Read MoreGOLD for Team AK!

July marked the end of a very busy year of school sport and for the first time we submitted our application to potentially be recognised with a ‘School Games Mark’. ‘School Games’ offer a Bronze, Silver or Gold award for a schools commitment, engagement and delivery of competitive school sport. We received a GOLD and it is our target to receive gold for the next four years which will...
Read MoreOFSTED July 2017 “A Whisker from Outstanding”
Our school was inspected by OFSTED on the 4th July and we are very pleased with and proud of the outcome. We are also delighted to confirm another year of excellent SATS result in KS1, KS2 and Year 1 Phonics results which are well above national expectations and reflect the excellent progress of our children. We will be publishing these on the SATS details page soon. Our Governors wanted to...
Read MoreGolden year of sport for Team AK

Wow what a year our sports stars have had! We have broken all records the school has for medals won, golds won, events entered, pupils attending events. In school we have successful started a young sports leaders programme to promote games and challenges during break and lunch times. Last years investments in RealPE and the magnificent new PE Event Kit have both had a huge positive impact on the...

I am absolutely delighted and over the moon to be able to officially let you know that we have just received the report for our recent very rigorous SIAMS Church school inspection and that we are OUTSTANDING in every category. I have attached the report for you to read and I think it sums up our school beautifully. The inspector told me that she found it difficult to fit everything she wanted...
Read MoreTeam AK’s ‘Grand Day Out’ wins SILVER at RHS Malvern Show!

How truly fabulous and exciting! The children, staff and volunteers have been working really hard to put together our Team AK Wallace and Gromit themed garden for the Malvern show this week (week of 8th May). From the chidlren’s initial design and planning ideas, to the developed design, onto a fabulous handmade rocket, the children busily decorating and growing plants, we have created this...
Read MoreNew promotional film for Team AK

Please see our new promotional film created by our children on the home page. Class 5 were given the task of creating a film to showcase our school. They all worked together to write a script and each had a part within the film. We were so fortunate to be given a special filming day by Zack Thompson’s mum through the Pauline Quirke Academy as a kind contribution to the school. We made the most...
Read MoreWorld Book Day – Team AK all became Where’s Wally!

We celebrated World Book Day with a special whole school theme…Where’s Wally and his extended family. I was massively impressed with how everyone took part and made a real effort, the Team AK Wally family looked incredible. The children were given a star challenge across the day connected to reading and recommending books to others and there was a special find Wally activity at lunch...
Read MoreAshton Keynes Window Wanderland

Wow! On Friday and Saturday night (24th & 25th February) Ashton Keynes shone brightly as over 55 households took part in decorating their windows for the community Window Wanderland project. We opened the trail 5:30 p.m. at the school where we unveiled our school ‘star’ window display. Many groups had been involved in this project including the WI, Golden Years, Church, Youth...
Read MoreNew Healthy Menu for Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club are proud to introduce their new healthy eating menu which is already proving to be very popular! Please click here to view the menu. For further information about the club please look under the resources section of this website.
Read MoreTeam AK shines in smart new sports kit!

Our Year 5/6 tag rugby team went off in their super smart new sports kit to represent the school on Tuesday ( 20th Sept) and they made us so proud! I was so lucky to be there and see this first hand. Not only did they do ever so well finishing 2nd in their group of 5 teams, but they played proudly as a team in their amazing new kit. We were the smartest school there! Thank you to Mr Tanner for...
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