APKS shines in SIAMS inspection

We are delighted to share with you our recent SIAMs (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) inspection report.
Please click the following link to read the full report, and here are just a few of the many amazing things said about our school which we would proudly like to share:
A warm, welcoming atmosphere greets visitors to this special school. Compassionate leadership, motivated by a deeply embedded vision, invigorates staff, pupils, and parents. Consequently, relationships are beneficially strong, which nourishes, motivates and transforms the lives of pupils and families.
Ashton Keynes’ creative ‘shine’ curriculum, rooted in the vision, inspires a love of learning by pupils and adults. Developing each pupil’s unique talents, is the curriculum focus. It enhances pupils spiritually, physically, emotionally, and academically.
An inspirationally planned curriculum includes courageous advocacy within each year. Consequently, pupils have a clear sense of equality and justice, knowing they can make changes in the world.
Empowering trips, residentials, sports and forest school activities nurture confidence building and wonder of the world.
The school uses resources efficiently and compassionately, so activities are affordable and accessible. Parents appreciate this extension of care.
Pupils are encouraged by the vision words ‘let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds’. They are empowered by the vision to make positive changes. One example is writing to members of parliament to highlight the fact that not everyone in the world has access to education. Pupils also have numerous opportunities for leadership roles including worship and school council or as a ‘pupil expert’ in class. These actions make a significant contribution to the exemplary and successful relationships in school.