Development Trust

The School Development Trust (Registered Charity No: 1081958) was formed in 2000 to gather and husband funds for the development and improvement of the School’s facilities. It acts as a repository for funds collected or donated and is primarily aimed at major capital projects such as the building of new permanent classrooms in 2001 and the School Hall in 2006. However, it also assists the School with the funding of fixtures or equipment for which there are insufficient public funds available.

Please click the following link for further information about the Trust, the fundraising for our new school Leaning Hub and how you may be able to help:

The Trustees are drawn from the Board of Governors and others with an interest in supporting the School and now comprise:

  • Sam Crawford (Chairman)
  • David Tarr
  • School Governor Trustee – Vacancy
  • Liz Chick
  • Kate Plummer
  • Mike Wilding

Non Trustee – Giuseppe Vitale (Treasurer)

We are always looking for volunteers with links to the school who are interested in becoming a Trustee. See the following link for the Trust’s entry on the Charity Commission website.

The School is fortunate in being also well supported by the Leigh Educational Trust (Registered Charity No: 1114361), whose charitable objectives were re-written when the Leigh School closed in 2004.  These are now as follows:

To advance education by providing items, services and facilities for the pupils of Ashton Keynes Church of England Primary School (being the nominated school for the children of the Parish of Leigh) which advance the charitable purposes of the said school, not normally provided from some other source.

The Governors were indebted to the Leigh Trustees* for re-focussing their efforts in this way as the School now enjoys regular financial support for projects, visits and other assistance.

* The Vicar and Churchwardens

The Fundraising Team are made up of parent and non-parent volunteers from the school and Ashton Keynes Village. This team of people are giving their time and effort free of charge in order to support children both now and in the future of the school. If you would like to join, make a difference, learn new skills and have some fun please email