Welcome to Ashton Keynes Primary School
Welcome to our school website, you should be able to find everything you need on here. If you haven’t been able to find the information you need, please give the school office a call on 01285 861436 and we will be happy to help you. Thank you.

Shine Bright and Reach For The Stars!

Everyone at our school has the chance to shine and be recognised and celebrated for what they do both in and outside classroom. As unique individuals, everybody brings and shares our own talents and skills. All are valued and all are supported. We all strive to be the best version of ourselves and to embrace the challenge in every aspect of our learning.
Our vision is underpinned by our core Christian values and embodied in John 10:10, “That they shall have life, life in all its fullness.” We believe that all children, no matter their circumstances, have a right and deserve to experience all that life offers.
Our shine curriculum enables children to develop their full holistic self through the distinctive seven-year journey in our school. Life in all its fullness means giving the children access to new experiences, challenging them to reach their full potential and support their emotional well- being.
Each child is created in the image of God (Genesis 1) and is uniquely made and loved by God (John 3:16). Each person is part of God’s purposes and God has plans for them. Our school values each and every child, for who they are in God’s eyes; a child of God. Each child is “fearfully and wonderfully made”. (Psalm 139)
Our whole school community has worked together to form our vision statement which is firmly rooted with a Christian underpinning. Click here to read Ashton Keynes Church of England Primary School Christian vision, ethos and values; the Christian underpinning.
Our vision:
To enable all children to reach their full potential. To provide academic excellence and skills for life which prepare children for modern Britain. We will instil a love of learning in a happy, stimulating environment which inspires challenge, and independence; where children feel secure to take risks and learn from their rich experiences. Their journey through school will be underpinned by Christian values and inclusive of all. Our school will be a place that the whole community is proud of.
Our ethos:
At AKPS, we value team work and it is a place where our pupils:

Click below to view our brilliant new film showing our new build and school in action:
SIAMs Outstanding (2017)
Our values:
Our worship council working with the Reverend Shirley has defined our core Christian values:
‘We persevere, we are creative, we trust one another and we are friendly.’

I would like to warmly welcome you to our school and through the website you can find out about all the wonderful things we do here. One of the best ways to really learn about our school is to come and visit so that you can experience the family ethos first hand. If you wish to visit, please contact the school office to make an appointment.
Team AK look forward to welcoming you!

Mrs. Samantha Saville
BEd Eng Hons (Cantab), NPQEL (National qualification for executive leadership)
Please click OFSTED Parent View for the link to give feedback on our school